13th March and April, 2020


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www.terapiahoma.com - www.homa1.com - www.homatherapy.info











“Our Great Home Can Be Bigger”

Others will say that this HOME can only be found only within us if we follow certain
sadhanas or spiritual practices like Meditation.
Of course, everyone creates a home depending on his/her State of Consciousness.
However, Spiritual Scientists point out that with the Practice of the Fivefold Path (Yagnya, Daan, Tapa, Karma, and Swadhyaya), we can expand our horizons and get to enlarge the concept of home and see the community, the country, the planet and even the universe as "Our Big Home, whose inhabitants are all our relatives."
That Realization produces a Friendly and Loving Conduct towards everything and everyone. If we perceive that God is in everything and everything is in God,
God is that Home that is everywhere full of love.

Today, a large part of humanity is confined to the home and this because of a global pandemic called COVID-19 or Corona Virus. What does this mean?
The answers can be almost innumerable, depending on the billions of perspectives of the world population. Although these points of view can be very different since populations are living different realities, a large number of people have a concept of a home with common factors. What can these factors be?
1. Home is a safe place.
2. Family and loved ones are here.
3. At home, we find rest, recreation, work and rest.
4. Here we feel free to express or move without fear.
5. Here is food, water, drinks, medicine, books, comfort, support and love.
6. At home, we can reflect, meditate, pray, dance, play, satisfy our pleasures, laugh and cry more comfortably.
7. Here we can take off our clothes, masks and pretensions and show ourselves as we really are.
8. At home, we move many things as we wish.
9. Homecoming is the longing of many after a long day at work.
Many people work hard to hoard money and create that place here and now.
Some will think that the Royal Home is in Heaven where only those who behaved well arrive, after death.

Your comments, questions, suggestions, stories and to subscribe to the Homa Health Newsletter,
 please write to Abel Hernández & Aleta Macan: terapiahoma@yahoo.com Thank you!



By Dr. Ulrich Berk

Agnihotra and Coronovirus

Corona - How can Agnihotra Help?

0) Introduction

The problems caused by a worldwide infection of people by this novel coronavirus SARS- CoV2 affect everybody. Of course we all should follow the rules of at least slowing down
the spreading of this virus, like social distancing, washing hands often, etc.

What else can we do? Traditional Vedic Agnihotra is said to purify the atmosphere.
As this virus occured only recently, we do not have much evidence yet and no scientific study on coronavirus.

Still there is quite a lot of anecdotal evidence which makes it plausible that Agnihotra can help in different ways to overcome the coronavirus crisis.

Agnihotra could help in three different ways:
1) Reducing the probability of getting infected.
2) Reducing preexisting conditions thus leading to a less severe course of Covid-19.
3) Supporting the body to overcome the infection.

To read this 16 pages investigation, please click on this link. A document in pdf format will be downloaded:

Elizabeth Mena
Madrid, Spain, Europe

Coronavirus and Homa Therapy

     I want to tell you about my experience with the Corona Virus. Here in Madrid, the situation is quite severe. Here, many are infected and my roommate also got infected. My boyfriend and I spent more than a week living with him (not knowing he was infected). We didn't hug, but we did eat at the same table and we were using the same things. He did the test and we waited 5 or 6 days of rigor to do the test. That's what they say you have to wait for the analyzes to be correct.

Well, everyone told us that we would also be infected, because it is a super contagious virus. And the truth is that me and my boyfriend turned out to be negative.
And the truth is that the doctors could not explain this.
And I suppose this was also due to a very strong immune system for we have an anti-inflammatory diet. And especially, I think due to the protection of Agnihotra. I have verified on my own that doing Agnihotra and taking its ash, we are super protected! So, I am sending this message of hope to all the Agnihotris – that “We are Protected”.  Om Shree
 (Photo: Elizabeth Mena)

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Daniela Carolina Calderón
EsSalud Paul Nogier Primary Care Center
Complementary Medicine Service
Carabayllo, North Lima, Peru, South America

     I'm 14. I came to Dr. Torres due to some problems I have at school. There I was referred to psychology. I was in 3 or 4 therapies with him, when the Doctor invited us to Homa Therapy, because that was going to help us. So, with my mom we started to come.
I was too shy to speak in front of people. I'm not the one who likes to do presentations and science exhibitions in front of the classroom or at school. I was super quiet in the class room. I screamed a lot and got mad very quickly. I am emotionally too sensitive. For two years, I have been crying a lot about anything.

Anything made me explode.
    After I started  drinking the water with Agnihotra ash, I was able to talk to more people. I can deal with more people and I improved in my studies a lot. I started to go up in my grades, so to speak from 12 to 15 on an average. And I started to focus a little better, to memorize better and to be able to expose.
Before, I did not communicate with my family, I only spoke with my friends. Now I talk more with my mom, with my cousin. I can expand and express myself better because I have more confidence and I feel more secure.
(Photo: Daniela with Dr. Jorge Torres, in the background.)
Her mother, Mercedes Calderon, confirms:
My daughter is more communicative, more confident and her mood has changed. Before, she was sad and had sudden mood changes. Now she is happier. She is calmer. She is at ease. And she is more responsible.

Virginia Linyán Vargas
EsSalud Primary Care Center Paul Nogier
Complementary Medicine Service
Carabayllo, North Lima, Peru, South America

        I am 32 years old. I tended to get depressed, to see things negatively. I started to come through Dr. Jorge Torres to Homa Therapy sessions. It has helped me a lot and even my family, my husband and my daughters. This therapy helps a lot in the union of the family. We all drink Agnihotra ash in the daily water. I do Agnihotra with my pyramid here with the doctor in the hospital and take the ash home. I also consume it frequently.

My character has changed a lot, I was nagging and complaining a lot at home since I have the role of a mother. But now I see things differently, from another perspective. Now I feel very happy on a day-to-day basis and I pass this on to my daughters. I have two young girls; one is one year old and the other one nine years old.
My husband also changed quite a bit radically. His character changed and now there is more communication between us; we talk about things and we can share much joy together with our daughters. Homa Therapy has helped us a lot.
(Photo: Virginia Linyán Vargas)

Rita Ortega Espinoza
EsSalud Primary Care Center Paul Nogier
Complementary Medicine Service
Carabayllo, North Lima, Peru, South America

     I am very grateful to Dr. Torres. We have already come to about five Homa Therapy sessions with my daughter. My daughter was very stressed, very quickly in complaining and did not communicate with anyone; she entered her room and it was always locked.
At first, she didn't want to come to the Homa sessions, but my son told her come on, it's nice. So we started attending and I gave her Agnihotra ash hidden in the water. And we noticed her change.

Now she is sleeping soundly, and she is communicating with me. I notice her changing.  (Photo: Rita Ortega Espinoza)

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Lee and Frits Ringma,
Homa Therapy Association of Australia
Homa farm
"Om Shree Dham" (O.S.D.)
Sweetmans Creek, NSW, Australia

The Homa Biosphere seemingly acting as ‘a ring pass not’ giving Om Shree Dham, Homa Therapy Centre at Sweetmans Creek, NSW, protection.

Photo below left: The dark shading are the 2 bush fires. The one on the left is massive. The one on the right came up to 1 km away. The lighter green shading represents bushland that was as dry as kindling yet the fire did not traverse towards us.
Below right: O.S.D. cow paddock in drought and saturated in smoke. There was no feed for the cows in the paddock but by Grace we were always supplied with hay.

Frits and Lee comment about the following testimonial of Ms. Jessica Cowley-Martin, which shows how we are helping each other in these times of crisis:
    "Actually the testimonial from Jessica about being protected from a supernatural bush fire came at a very important time for us and helped us to sustain faith.
    She phoned us just after the event and told us what had transpired. It was so important for us to hear as we were surrounded by enormous fire coverage and it was not easy to stay free of fear and full of faith even though intrinsically we knew we were safe. Every day we were saturated with smoke and had to wear masks. And every day we were alert to whether we would need to evacuate. This went on for about 2 months or more!"
Jessica Cowley-Martin
Valley de Caparra, Phoenix, NSW, Australia
February 2020


I thought it might be helpful to tell my story and give others some understanding and hope when realizing the incredible protective field that can be created by the practice of Agnihotra.
I think it was sometime in September of 2019 that I felt an urgent kind of gut feeling that I should start practicing Agnihotra again.
                                                       (Continued on next page)

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Test. of Ms. Jessica Cowley-Martin continued:

I had not been practicing for some years. I had been through some very difficult times and I remembered the practice of Agnihotra always brought me a wonderful calmness, connection to the Earth and to the rhythms of nature. I felt peace and healing of myself and the land when practicing. I also felt that it could help my gardens and nature around me deal with the terrible drought we had been enduring for so long. Our usually fast flowing bubbling creek had dried up to a few holes where water life struggled to survive and trees where dying. It was a good feeling to be practicing again.
I noticed the grass somehow seemed to stay greener than other places and my garden was appreciating the ash and creating a haven for many creatures.

   Coming into November the weather was really heating up and fires were looming in the rugged mountain country behind where I live, unable to be contained. A huge fire front had developed and was creeping closer to our little valley. Days of smoke and wondering how close the fire actually was. Then the day came when the fire revealed itself, roaring with huge flames through the drought-stricken bush. An intense night followed as I watched the fire burning through neighbor's properties and devouring forest on the hills opposite me. I probably should have fled then but I was somehow waiting for fire trucks or help or some indication it was time. The next morning it was too late to leave. Fire trucks could not get in or out and power and phone lines were soon cut off by the fire.

Devastated forest 3 months after the bush fire.

Agnihotra was performed in the yard. Home and veggie garden untouched by the bush fire that consumed properties all around.

   The morning came in hot and brought strong wind. Helicopters bringing water to try and quell the fire had to turn back as conditions became too dangerous. By late morning the fire started coming from many directions. Spot fires were starting way ahead of the main front and it was all happening with great speed. An eerie orange /red light and suffocating smoke surrounded me. I saw my neighbor's house engulfed by flames. I bundled the dogs into the car with a few belongings I had prepared and headed down the driveway to the road. Ash and live cinders were flying everywhere. Realizing I had left my escape way too late I pulled into a neighbor's driveway and drove up to their house. Their property had been burnt around the day before although many things were lighting up again with the wind.  I am so grateful to these wonderful people. They welcomed me and my dogs inside. They had 3 children and lots more dogs and two other neighbors were sheltering there as well. They were amazing, constantly running outside in the heat and smoke to put out fires that were lighting up around the house yard and sheds. I watched as a tornado of fire roared down the dry creek bed. It was terrifying. I had no idea as to whether my house would still be standing. The smoke was so thick I could not see the other side of the valley. I had grave fears for my much-loved cows and chickens and thought of how I would have to search for them and what condition I would find them in after the fire had passed.
(Cont. on next page)
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Test. of Ms. Cowley-Martin continued:
   After three dreadful hours of waiting the main front of the fire seemed to have passed. A fire truck was coming down the road and then headed up the track to my house. I gave them about 15 min. and then headed up, catching them on their way back down again. They informed me, to their and my total amazement that my house (an old 1940's weatherboard cottage) was not touched by the fire. The fire had burnt up to about 1 metre from the house on one side and my rainforest gardens were burnt severely out the front, but when I walked around the back of the house there was my Agnihotra pyramid sitting on the earth in its usual place with ash from the night before. Beyond were my gardens and veggie garden, mulch unburnt and chickens were alive and well. Rooster flapping his wings and crowing. Even an old shed covered with a thick matting of needles from the She Oaks nearby did not catch alight. Tears of relief and disbelief ran down my face.
One of the exhausted fire fighters kept quizzing me as he could not believe that no one had been here protecting the house. They had been fighting so hard to save homes for others up the road with just one truck. 12 homes in our small community were lost in Caparra that day and 18 homes in nearby Bobin.
  I did lose 3 water tanks that melted in the heat and my electricity meter on a pole near the shed burnt down. All the fences on this 300-acre property were destroyed. Even electricity poles in an open field burnt to the ground. The native forest that takes up more than half of this property was severely burnt like nothing I have ever seen before here.

I brought my dogs back home and spent that night putting out fires burning in logs, posts, trees etc. near to the house. I was grateful for help from a friend who dropped over with his fire-fighting gear in between putting out fires for others as well as at his own place.

Photo above: regrowth 3 months after fire. The trees on the right about a meter from the house were clearly burnt. Cows, chickens, bees all unharmed.

Bee hive remained untouched and bees alive and well in burnt out paddock.
The fire went around the wooden hive.

   It was at about 1 am that night I heard a frightened moo that seemed to be coming from out in the hills that were glowing with thousands of orange and red lights like some kind of strange city. So much was still burning. My heart skipped a beat ...the cows, were they all still alive? At first light the next morning I saw them. The four cows and little calf standing on the hillside amongst the fallen and smoldering trees. I called them but they were too afraid to come so I walked over and they followed me back to the house. They looked to be unburnt, just blackened by soot and ash.
Another miracle was the beehive down near the creek. Amazingly untouched by the fire yet burnt severely all around. Bee’s all ok. And then the shed amidst the burnt forest which housed my crystal singing bowls and a generator (which later came in handy) remained untouched by the fire.

    I feel such gratitude. I am sure the healing and protective energy of Agnihotra has had a role in keeping me, my home and animals safe during this devastating fire. I feel like it created a protective energy around the space where I practice. A place of calm and higher vibration where no harm can come. Beyond the chaos into a different realm.
     My place here in the Caparra valley is called Phoenix. I feel now is a time of renewal for me and this land here. The fire has brought our little community so much closer together and now, after flooding rains the creek is running freely, the paddocks are emerald green and the forest though struggling is doing its best to return anew.
Much love to you Lee and Frits for introducing me to Agnihotra many years ago.
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The following points are answers to the most frequently asked questions of people who are starting with the practice of Agnihotra. It is necessary to practice Agnihotra correctly to receive its wonderful benefits.

* The size, shape and measure of the copper pyramid are specific to Homa Therapy.
DO NOT use larger or smaller pyramids, pyramids with handles, etc.
* The Agnihotra Mantra must be chanted at the exact moment indicated in the schedule. Light the Fire a few minutes before in order to have a good flame.
* Agnihotra Mantra - Immediately after chanting the word Suaha, add the first portion of rice into the Fire and after chanting the second Suaha, add the second portion of rice into the Fire.
* The amount of rice (whole grains of brown rice smeared with a drop of ghee) is whatever you can take twice with these three fingers: thumb, middle and ring finger (deer mudra).
* Only one person offers rice to one Agnihotra pyramid; other people may be present.
* The offering is given only with the right hand.
* If possible, use your right hand to handle, touch and move the pyramid.

* After chanting the Agnihotra Mantra, Do Not:
- move the pyramid, or add anything to the fire,
-re-ignite if it goes out accidently,
-or interfere or disturb the pyramid or fire.
This would disturb the healing process. The Fire extinguishes on its own.

* Agnihotra ash can be stored in a covered glass or ceramic container.
It is not recommended to store it in plastic or metal containers, except copper.
The lid can be made of metal or plastic, since it does not come into contact with the ash.
* Handle Agnihotra ash with clean utensils, not with hands.
The ash is completely sterilized after going through the high temperatures produced during Agnihotra.
* Clean the copper accessories with paper or a cloth after use.
Do not wash the pyramid and do not scratch it inside when cleaning it.
*The shape of the pyramid needs to remain intact.
* Ideal is to use wooden matches to light Homa fires. When lighting the fire, prevent the match from falling into the fire.
Do not use gas lighters. If you have to use a candle, be careful that the wax does not fall into the pyramid or on the pieces of manure that you are lighting.
Have the candle extinguished before chanting the Agnihotra Mantras.

* Ideal is to keep the electric light off during this healing process.
* The ghee is made from unsalted butter of cow's milk. If done correctly, it does not need to be refrigerated. The ghee can be stored in covered glass jars or ceramic.
*Only manure from the cow family is suitable for Agnihotra. And only from cows that are not receiving balanced feed, containing derivatives of animal origin (examples: fish powder, ground bones, etc.)
* People who perform Agnihotra or any other Homa must remove their shoes and DO NOT put their feet on top of the shoes. Also, people participating take off their shoes during this process in order to receive the healing energies.
* The Homa pyramid can be placed at or above the sacrum. Do not place it below the sacrum
* Only dry cow dung cookies, whole grains of brown rice and pure cows’ ghee can be used for Agnihotra. NO OTHER KIND OF SUBSTANCES MAY BE USED OR ADDED.
* The exact time table is essential for the practice of Agnihotra. The time table for any location is available for PCs and cell phones for free.
For iPhones or android cell phones enter App Store or Playstore and search for the “Agnihotra Buddy” program and install it. For further information please see: www.terapiahoma.com  and www.homa1.com  in the "Time table" section.
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* It is advisable to stop speaking one minute before the moment of chanting the Mantra.
* It is necessary to adjust your watch or your cell phone with the exact atomic time.
* It is correct to sit facing east during Agnihotra, or facing east at sunrise and west at sunset, or in any direction in a group circle.
* If possible, it is ideal to leave the pyramid untouched (and uncovered) until the next Agnihotra.
* Better if no metals are placed near the Agnihotra Fire, except copper.
* Do not use the pyramid to store inside accessories such as a spoon, plate, etc..
* The same pyramid can be used for other Homa Fires, however the ashes should not be mixed. Only Agnihotra ash (if done correctly) is suitable for medicinal use. The other ashes serve as compost in agriculture.
* If possible, ideally is to bathe and put on clean clothes before doing Agnihotra.
* For the purpose of healing, only use properly made Agnihotra ash, where the fire burns fast and all ingredients are completely consumed.
* Agnihotra ash or Homa Therapy teachings are not sold or purchased. These are always free.
* If the Agnihotra Fire extinguishes and makes a lot of smoke after chanting the Mantra, it is good to take the pyramid outside into the open air, uncovered. This ash should only be used for plants.
* Women with menstruation during the first four days, cannot practice Homa Therapy or touch any instrument or supplies used in this process for energy reasons.
(See more details on the website: www.homa1.com and other official Homa Therapy websites)
Agnihotra Teaching Videos:
English: http://homatherapyindia.com/agnihotra-demonstration-video
Hindi:  http://homatherapyindia.com/agnihotra-demonstration-video-hindi
Spanish - in two parts:  https://www.terapiahoma.com/video/agnihotra1.wmv
                https://www.terapiahoma.com/video/agnihotra2.wmv )
Fivefold Path for Happy Living
(Agnihotra Yajnya is the first step)

1. Yajnya
HOMA Therapy is the science of purification of the atmosphere through the agency of FIRE. AGNIHOTRA HOMA (YAJNYA) is the basic HOMA. It is tuned to the biorhythm of sunrise/sunset and gives nutrients to the plant kingdom, removes diseases in a certain area and removes tension on the mind. This is the basic process in the sciences of medicine, agriculture, climate engineering and interplanetary communication.
2. Daan
Sharing of your assets in a spirit of humility. This corrects imbalance in financial matters and creates non-attachment to worldly possessions.
3. Tapa
Self-discipline of body and mind. This is conducive to a change in attitudes of mind and body. It results in a harmonious state of mind.
4. Karma
“You reap as you sow.” Always practicing good Karma (actions) diminishes the burden of negative Karma and one begins to invest in his own future. This means that what you do today will bring its fruits. Sowing seeds of love and kindness will bless my garden with plenty of love. Do Karma for self purification.
5. Swadhyaya
Practice Swadhyaya (Self-study) for liberation. Who am I? Why am I here? My work on this planet is to learn to react with total LOVE with each opportunity given to me.

This is the Fivefold Path for happy living on the planet. By practicing the Fivefold Path you become a better member of your society, group, religion, community, etc.

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Vegetables growing between tiles

March 30, 2020
      Please enjoy this most amazing compilation of crops grown, using a very simple technique: making small holes between tiles or bricks and then inserting the seeds. They are then covered with a small amount of good soil, are watered a little and taken care of in the beginning. With little effort on our side, the earth does the rest and gives us everything needed to live well and healthy. Goodbye supermarkets!  
To see the video please enter this link: https://youtu.be/8TUc85T7nmA


Coronavirus leading to huge drop in air pollution

March 31, 2020
      'Largest scale experiment ever' shows what is possible as satellite images reveal marked fall in global nitrogen dioxide levels.
Nitrogen dioxide is produced from car engines, power plants and other industrial processes and is thought to exacerbate respiratory illnesses such as asthma.

 To read full article and see graphics, please see: 


Auroville in India, the experiment of an urban jungle to realize human unity

February 18, 2020
Auroville is the largest existing eco-city attempt in the world. Located in the south of India near the former French colony Pondicherry, it brings together in the same place the 100 communities scattered across the globe that I have been able to see until today.

The story begins more than 50 years ago when the Mother of Auroville – Mirra Richard, Indian and French – dreams of a place where humanity can live united, in peace and in harmony with nature, beyond of all beliefs, political opinions and nationalities.
To read the article, please see:  https://eco-villages.eu/en/2020/02/18/auroville-in-india-the-experiment-of-an-urban-jungle-to-realize-human-unity/

Becoming a vegetarian
Harvard Women's Health Watch

    People become vegetarians for many reasons, including health, religious convictions, concerns about animal welfare or the use of antibiotics and hormones in livestock, or a desire to eat in a way that avoids excessive use of environmental resources. Some people follow a largely vegetarian diet because they can't afford to eat meat. Becoming a vegetarian has become more appealing and accessible, thanks to the year-round availability of fresh produce, more vegetarian dining options, and the growing culinary influence of cultures with largely plant-based diets.

For further detailed information please see


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Eng. Jaime Cristhian Peña Infante,
 Head of Economic Development at the Municipality of de Canchaque, invited us to talk about of the benefits of Homa Therapy. This is a picturesque town on the first hills of the Andes.

We were accompanied by Javier Cruz and his daughter Jhohananda from Piura and by Santiago Huancas from Faique. We were able to take some time to follow the route that Master Shree Vasant had traveled many years ago.
(Photos above and below: Prof. Abel and Aleta showed videos about the amazing effects of the practice of Homa Therapy in Health, Ecology and Agriculture.)


Meanwhile, psychologist, Dr. Marisol del Mar de la Rosa, went to Chuiyachi beach with some of her patients and accompanied by several Agnihotris to celebrate, learn, play and live on the beach for a weekend. Everyone loved the closeness to nature, the sounds and endless waves of the sea, which invite to meditate.
(Photos above and to the left)
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In Piura continue the sessions of teaching and practice of the Fires of Homa Therapy at CERP (Professional Rehabilitation Center of the state health care system) and
(Center for Elders)
and in the vegetarian restaurant "Ganimedes".

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The weekly "Mind Training" classes with Prof. Abel continue at the Central Library of UNP (Universida Nacional de Piura=National University of Piura). These teachings are based on the book  "Light Towards Divine Path" by Master Shree Vasant V. Paranjpe and are designed to Create Conscious Changes in our Thoughts and Behavior. These classes are a treasure trove of ancient knowledge, presented in a clear,  
precise and simple language. (Photos above and below)
(Photos below: Tryambakam Homa learning and practice; group Agnihotra at CERP.)

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  We experience that every day more people are coming for Homa Therapy, as if something is calling them to this deep reaching healing, which is happening at a physical, emotional and mental level.
hotos above and below: Agnihotra encounters.
Photos last row: another session of Mind Training at the Piura National University.)

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      Prof. Abel always finds words that encourage us to walk more consciously, effectively, and speedily on the Fivefold Path. No one wants to be left behind in forgiving, positive thinking, and conquering the crocodiles (passion, anger, greed, attachment, pride, and envy) on a day-to-day basis.
hotos above: Therapeutic Yoga and breathing; teaching and practice of Tryambakam Homa and Agnihotra.
  Major Betty Girón invited us to present the effects of Homa Therapy at the Police Rehabilitation Center, which serves them and their families in cases of accidents, physical disabilities, etc.
Photos above, right and below: presentation to police officers of the Effects of Homa Therapy in stressful situations, with general health issues.
Practice of Agnihotra in the physical Rehab Center “Divino Niño” of the National Police.

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Photo above: Agnihotra in the veg. Restaurant “Ganímedes” of Agnihotris Javier Cruz.
At the request of the Peruvian National Police, Prof. Abel accompanied by a group of Agnihotris, continued teaching about the positive effects of Homa Therapy. This time Prof. Abel encouraged the officers also to do some simple therapeutic exercises and a little Yoga with conscious breathing. Before sunset, everyone learned the evening Agnihotra Mantra and as the sun went down, we sang the Mantras in unison, accompanied by the many birds. Then there was silence, externally and internally, where the light of the soul is able to expand beyond the horizon ...
GREAT NEWS: After the quarantine had begun, Major Betty Giron was promoted to Commander of the National Police Health Area in the City of Piura. One of the first measures she took was to ask for Agnihotra ash from the Piuran Agnihotris via WhatsApp. She reminded us that the first line in charge of confrontation with this virus is the police, the military and the medical staff of hospitals. And that this Agnihotra ash is used to treat and / or protect these.

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A visitor from Germany came to Piura: Wolfgang on his motorcycle, touring the colorful and majestic South America.
(Photos above: Agnihotra with Wolfgang, who shared some of the many benefits he and his family received through continued Agnihotra practice.)

At the UNP (Univ. Nacional Piura) Prof. Abel continues with the "Mind Training" classes. These classes help us understand and observe ourselves better and be more aware.
(Photos above: Mind Training class and Agnihotra practice at UNP.)

Agnihotra with parents, grandparents and children. After attending just a few times, the restless behavior of the little ones is changed to the joy of their parents. Sometimes it is also important to additionally make dietary changes.
(Photo left: Agnihotra practice in Ganímedes.)

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    Following an invitation of Agronomist Luis Tafur and Lawyer Dr. Apolinar Tenorio Collantes, we arrived in the city Jaen to inaugurate the Homa Center in the house of Dr. Apolinar and activate a farm with a Homa Resonance Point.
(Photos on this page: We shared daily the well-being and joy of Agnihotra healing Fire in the new Homa Center and activated a farm with Homa Agricultural Super-Technology in the outskirts of Jaen.)

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  Archaeologist Dr. Quirino Olivera, well known internationally in the world of archeology for his outstanding knowledge, is the director of the project of the Templo Sagrado de Montegrande (Sacred Temple of Montegrande), which dates back over five thousand years old. He invited Prof. Abel to explain this ancient Homa technique to a group of people and to do Agnihotra on site of the excavations. 
(See photos of this page.)

      Doctor Quirino, very aware of the environmental pollution and planetary destruction, including extinction of wise indigenous tribes of the Amazonia in the name of "Civilization", exclaims: "Never before has it been so urgent that archaeological science scrutinizes the past to find solutions to problems in the present and envisions a better future for our society." Homa Therapy provides Ancestral Solutions!
    That same Sunday night, the President of Peru announced the stop of interprovincial traffic and the state of Emergency in Peru. We managed to get the last two seats and travelled all night to arrive the next day in Piura.

Photos: Activating the latent positive energies of this ancient temple.
Photos below: 1) Dr. Quirino and his family started the practice of Agnihotra.
2) Eng. Luis Tafur, his wife Rosa and their daughters Tina and Raquel doing Agnihotra.)

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In Lima, Psychologist Dr. Jorge Torres uses the Homa Therapy tool to help his patients in the best and most effective way possible. See testimonials on page 3 and in several previous HomaHealth Newsletters.
Photos above and below: Dr. Jorge Torres leading Homa Therapy at the Primary Care Center of the EsSalud Paul Nogier, Complementary Medicine Service, in Carabayllo, North Lima. His Homa meetings are weekly.

Photos to the left:
1) Therapist Álvaro Vásquez sharing Agnihotra at the EsSalud Hospital in Ventanilla with the Dra. Ada Pucuhuayla, Director of Complementary Medicine.
2) Agnihotra with the family.


The photo right is from Almaty, the capital of Kazakhstan, where the Agnihotra group, led by healers Irvana and Oleg, practice this technique also in public.
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Photos this page:
Sharing Agnihotra in the Center Rincon Homa of Dr. Cesar Merino. It is shared within the family during the quarantine.

The union with the family can be made easier with the daily practice of Agnihotra Healing Fire. Agnihotra harmonizes, balances, promotes peacefulness and helps us to see the Blessings behind any situation.

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     Naturopath, Dr. Luis Carriel and his wife Sara Bustamante care sharing Agnihotra daily at their Homa Center "Finca La Zenaida". Now, in times of quarantine, they continue to send Light and Well-being to the atmosphere through their personal Homas.
(Photos this page of Agnihotra get-togethers at sunrise and sunset with patients.)

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      In Chaflú, a small town in the Dept. Esmeraldas, Mother Sofía de Batioja keeps the Homa Fires lit (Agnihotra and several hours of Tryambakam Homa daily). She has great help with little Erik, who loves the Homa Fires.


From West Palm Beach, Therapist and veterinarian doctor, Carla Cossy León sent photos with Anthony, his family and with friends, sharing the well-being of Agnihotra.
Dr. Mario Chávez and his wife, Dr. Yuriyu doing Agnihotra in their backyard .


Birgit and Herold
Germany, Europe

We sold our house very quickly once we started doing Agnihotra regularly and we receive a reasonable price. The right person arrived within a week and it took us less than 4 months to complete all the paperwork. We had tried to sell it for a long time prior to doing Agnihotra. We are really happy and relieved.
We are now traveling permanently. Traveling freely, without obligations was a desire that we have had for too long.

The last days we spent in the extreme north of Germany. Our Agnihotra kit is with us. Om Shree Om
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   Teachings, meetings and presentations of the effects of Homa Therapy on health and agriculture and the practice of Agnihotra happen in various parts of the country.

Photos on this page before and during the mandatory quarantine. Caring for the planet from home - with Homa Medicinal Fires.

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   In these times of quarantine time more people are uniting consciously through the practice of the Homa Fires from their homes, releasing fragrances and energies of love into the atmosphere.
(Photos in Chile.)

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Mrs. Brigitte Fuzellier leading the Agnihotra group in San Lorenzo with much love and dedication.


In Posadas, Misiones, people also gather to share and continue the practice of Agnihotra. So it happens in La Rioja, capital of the La Rioja Dept.
 (Photos above show the Agnihotra practice in the Ananda Center; Agnihotra in La Rioja.)


In various parts of Colombia, from South to North and from East to West, now more than ever before, the Agnihotris are with their Fires lit and their hearts united in the desire to assist Mother Nature, purify the atmosphere ... starting with a deep personal cleansing.
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Mr. Vinayak Lokur from Belgavi, Karnataka sent these photos and wrote:

      Our mission of Group Chanting & Agnihotra every Sunday, continued for the last 80 weeks consistently. (Except for last weeks due to Lockdown by the Government we couldn’t assemble).

That Sunday activity has helped us create awareness amongst the people & the Agnihotra performers are increasing. If not every house – at least in every lane in our city there should be one family who performs Agnihotra is the mission!
We performed World Agnihotra Day, for consecutive 10th year now, on 12th March at our factory.

Since Agnihotra is all about rejuvenation of Vedas – this year we decided to conduct “Vedic Chanting” before Sunset Agnihotra. Acharya Shri Sanjeev Walvekar recited “Pavaman Pancha Suktam” for about one hour.
Prior to the programme we had given our reference to the holy cow, thanking all of them for their generosity.

At sunset, Agnihotra was practiced by everyone present. Shri Abhay Mutalik Desai highlighted the importance of Agnihotra in farming and shared his experience.
The event was covered by local news media.

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WORLD AGNIHOTRA DAY - from the North to the South of CHILE

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In the photos on this page one can hear the Voice of Silence of the Agnihotra Fire, which sometimes speaks loudest.

     In various cities throughout South America people come together virtually through the practice, not only of Agnihotra, but also of the Tryambakam Homa. They manage to do Homa fires for many hours daily, and on full and new moon, up to 24 hours in a row.
Each Agnihotri participates from his/her own home and is sighed up in a schedule for a certain hour. That is being managed through the Whats app groups.
Agnihotras’ powerful energies can create a network of LIGHT, which is strengthened by the Tryambakam Homa.
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March 30, 2020 Shree Vasant

(Message received via Parvati Rosen-Bizberg in meditation.)

Do not permit fear to enter the realm of thought nor word nor deed. Go deeper into that state of meditation that is also known as Prayer.

Prayer is not an entreaty to Divine, not even for intervention in these turbulent times.

Prayer is more simple. It goes beyond

the thought processes; therefore, takes flight and reaches its destination.

It is pure. It is absolutely pure intent to receive Grace of Almighty, without expectation of how that Grace is to manifest.

When one calls out the Name of God, whether it is Allah or Jehovah, Jesus or Mohammed, Krishna or Rama — all Holy Name is vibration.

Thus, going into depths of Prayer will create a powerful effect not only on the spread of this mysterious virus, but on the direction the world will take from this moment forward.

Go into Prayer.
Join together and focus on the Divine Presence in all.

Light will prevail.
Light will prevail.
Light will prevail.

All love and blessings.

At places where Agnihotra is performed and fires maintained regularly, greatest blessings will unfold. OM.

Wonderful News from the Maheshwar Goshala, India:

Please subscribe to our
*YouTube Channel: Sarvajit Paranjpe*
for meaningful video messages on
Fivefold Path of Vedic Wisdom
Thank You!

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(received through Parvati Bizberg, Poland)

March 10, 2020 Orion on Coronavirus

Yes, yes. Orion present. Dear vehicle, be aware of the trickery that is being foisted upon this planet.
There are negative energetic forces at play here.
Be aware. Do not give into the mass hysteria surrounding the current virus.

While it is now a health risk, no doubt, do not arm yourselves with fear.
Fear is a weapon in the arsenal that is fabricated to destroy and to control.
Listen, dear beings of beloved planet Earth, the Record Keeper of the Universe—pay attention.

Take normal precautions when travelling or in large groups of people. However, do not fear this latest development.

Arm yourselves with boosted immune systems, with healing modalities. Perform the Agnihotra fires now, widely.
This, most assuredly, will offer you a layer of protection in times as these.

Take normal precautions, but live in Light, Peace and Harmony.
Those whose souls are attuned to Higher vibrations on their evolutionary course will survive and thrive.

This is serious business.
This is truth.

March 15, 2020, ORION ON HOPE RISING
Yes, yes. All we told before is applicable to the present time.

The crises on this planet have precipitated a crucial imbalance in all of Nature, including human beings, animals, soil, water, air and the plant kingdom.
Thus, when Nature is out of balance, a

defiant Mother Earth will gather all her power in a protective bid to save and secure her multitude of species in existence upon her ground. Her sacred ground.

Dear ones, such imbalance of Nature requires no proven conspiracy theory. No doubt mischief is often afoot, but when Nature is weakened, resources strained and threatened, a state of uncertainty is created.
For humans are not separate from Nature, though they assume an unnatural power over her. Even in times of great ecological and medical crises, Nature is still more powerful than humankind.
Therefore, strive to live in harmony with Nature. Protect your resources, nurture your lands and waterways.

Individually, even on your single plot of land, create harmony amongst the species and elements in existence there. Honor and respect the great and noble Animal Kingdom.

One human being living in harmony on this Earth does have a profound effect on the whole.

As one power, in Light.
Light shall indeed dispel the darkness.

Curate hope and plant the seeds of kindness, forgiveness and a deep abiding love in your children. They are the hope of the future.

Do not be defeated.

Let your voices rise together amidst the deafening roar of Nature as She rises.

You are not alone,
We are with you.

More information: www.oriontransmissions.com

Thanks for Sharing the "Good News" with this Homa Health Newsletter!

Other official web sites on Homa Therapy:

www.terapiahoma.com    www.homa1.com   www.homatherapy.info
www.agnihotra.org     www.homatherapie.de      www.homatherapy.de
www.tapovan.net    www.homatherapyindia.com     www.homatherapy.org
www.homatherapypoland.org    www.homapsychotherapy.com

www.agnihotra.com.au    www.terapiahoma.org    www.homaspain.com

Click here to see or print previous HOMA HEALTH Newsletters

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