13th June


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       Let's do more self-study or Swadhyaya. We may ask whether the following sayings are true.
"Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are."
Answer: Yes and No.
"Birds with the same feathers flock together."
Answer: Yes and No.
"Whoever snuggles up to a good tree, good shade shelters him."
Answer: Yes and No.
Yes - because you tend to imitate the behavior of the majority.
No - because you can be like a rock.
There are many types of relationships:
a) family
b) work
c) political
d) marital and extra-marital
e) love and sexual
f) harmonic and non-harmonic
g) etc.
Tell me how you relate to others and I will tell you how you relate to yourself.
Let's take a self-study:
Do you easily forgive others?
Do you understand others easily?
Do you easily listen to others?
Do you speak easily with others?
Do you think, speak, and express LOVE readily to others?
Do you easily accept others?


       Sometimes relationships are tests because the personalities (egos) are strong and nobody wants to give in when differences come to the surface. Differences are normal to a lesser or greater degree. This is natural. Man and woman are different from the point of view: anatomical, emotional, biochemical (hormonal), mental, psychological, etc.
Even if we carefully analyze the components (bodies or layers) of an individual of the same sex, from the same mother and biological father, we find many differences.
However, the Spiritual Scientists tell us:
1) We are equal in ESSENCE.
2) We are created in the image and likeness of the Creator (Father/ Mother).
3) Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect. (Matt. 5:48)
4) We must be righteous just as HE/SHE is. (I John 3:7)
There are relationships that are given by nature (mom, dad, brothers, sisters, other family members, etc.).
There are relationships that are given by circumstances (examples: your boss and peers at work, school classmates, neighborhood, etc.)
There are relationships that we choose such as: wife, husband, friends, etc.

Your comments, questions, suggestions and/or contributions to the Homa Newsletter are welcome; you may write to Abel Hernandez & Aleta Macan at terapiahoma@yahoo.com . Please include your address. Thank you!


     HOMA HEALTH NEWSLETTER # 86                       page 2

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EDITOR's NOTE – continued

        You could also say that we too have chosen all the relationships we have (consciously or unconsciously) based on our actions, words and thoughts generated in the past.
Tell me how you relate to yourself and I will tell you how you interact with others.
What is the most important relationship?
The response can vary according to the individual.
What do we want in our relationships?
Some seek pleasure, recognition, fame, security, wealth, etc. If they are masochists, they will seek pain, abuse, indifference, etc. Actually, these extremes represent the banks of the river. To navigate on the banks is more difficult for we can easily get stuck there. Sailing in the middle of the river can be smoother and fast, but also it is not without difficulties. The difficulties on the river of life decrease when we reach the ocean. However, storms could appear at sea. Only when we relinquish the ups and downs of the sea (Maya or illusion), we can reach the calm waters and stillness where we experience peace.

Some sages tell us that only the relationship with God can lead us to Real Joy.
The Fivefold Path (Agnihotra, Daana, Tapa, Karma and Swadhyaaya) leads us to that Peace.
Man needs to interact and he has the power to choose his relationships. If we are in a non-optimal environment, spiritually, we still can attract with our thoughts, words and actions our future relationships and circumstances. We can help ourselves by reading books that inspire us. So we connect (relate) with the mental world of the authors. We can also look at photos and videos of exceptional people. We can do Mantras, which will link us with beings of Light. We can also visualize a Master, a Saint, a Sage, etc. Eventually, we will “look” inside ourselves and outside and see God, face to face.

More to think about:
1) Other types of relationships can be with: spirits, the dead, aliens, beings of Light, etc..
2) "Children and young people learn by imitation." What are they learning from you?



Nancy Alfonso
West Palm Beach, FL, USA

"Yesterday I came to the Ma-Yu Nutrition Center, because I had received an invitation to the Homa Anti-stress workshop. When I came, I was suffering from severe backache. I could not move my right side. For that pain, I had to see a doctor and I received conventional medication, but the pain continued.
After doing the relaxation and concentration exercises in the Anti-stress workshop and participating in the Agnihotra fires and taking the Agnihotra ash, I was much better.

At night, I repeated the exercises at home and now this morning when I got up I was very excited, because the pain was no longer so severe. And now, after the evening Agnihotra, I feel stronger, I can move much better and I feel no pain.



     HOMA HEALTH NEWSLETTER # 86                       page 3

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Deputy Mayor  Mrs. Lucrecia Burban Hurtado
San Lorenzo, Esmeraldas, Ecuador

"Thanks to Homa Therapy, I could overcome the issue of alcoholism. I was a person who had to take at least 3 bottles of whiskey every month. However, since I started practicing Homa, if I have taken one bottle of whiskey in a month, this is a lot.

The San Lorenzo families, who had the opportunity of enjoying this Homa Therapy (HT), have felt a change in their lives. HT helps to temper the arrogance of some people, such as a woman talking about “my children, my home, my house", etc. This therapy goes subtly to heal the heart, the blood, the environment and the atmosphere. It heals the soul and the body of people. It relieves of many vices. Insecurity and violence only lead to damnation. I believe that with Homa Therapy there can be TOTAL HEALING for an entire region. Thanks for bringing this Homa Therapy to the district of San Lorenzo."
(Photo shows the Deputy Mayor on the Homa farm, actively involved in the Agnihotra healing process)


Maria Elena Uribe
Lake Worth, Florida, USA

"I want to tell what happened to my friend, Irene Hernandez. She is about 50 years old. She donated blood and made it to her mom's house, where she fell to the ground. She fell on her hand and through the fall, she bit the inside of her mouth. She had a large wound. Still, she did not want to go to the hospital because she does not like this type of medication. A doctor friend bandage her ribs and put her hand in a splint. To heal the wound in her mouth, she began using certain remedies like turmeric and other natural liquids. She had forgotten about the Agnihotra ash. The wound had become ulcerated and already was expelling pus.

Then she remembered and applied Agnihotra ash immediately. The wound in her mouth closed and healed from one day to the next.  From one day to the next, her mouth was OK. And in a few days it had healed totally. Not only that, but when she talks about this experience, she starts crying. She is a very serious person. Immediately, when she starts talking about this event, she cries and says: "This small fire, I will practice it, no matter what and I will always take it with me."
This is the beautiful testimony of my Venezuelan friend."



     HOMA HEALTH NEWSLETTER # 86                       page 4

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Evaluation of the effect of Agnihotra in organic farming with Polycontrast Interference Photography (PIP) conducted by the
Center for Biofield Sciences - World Peace Center MIT College, Pune, India

INTRODUCTION: Polycontrast Interference Photography (PIP)
The PIP machine is a light analysis technology (Harry Oldfield) that is non-invasive. It requires the area to be exposed to a full light spectrum controlled environment and the absorption and reflection intensities are color coded and then analyzed. When analyzing these images it is often referred to 'congestion' and 'less energy areas'. The software has a programmed chromatology. The different colors help in the interpretation of the energy status of a particular scanned area. Green relates to positive frequencies of healing. Golden, yellow and violet frequencies are associated with higher cosmic vibrations. Blue and light pink in the energy field are calming frequencies. Red and orange are lower frequencies.
• The camera was set on a certain focus.
• PIP scans were taken on following steps:
1. Base line scan/'Before' scan was taken before performing Agnihotra (BA).
2. The 'After' scan was taken after performing Agnihotra (AA).

<= PIP of Organic Farm (Before Agnihotra=BA)

PIP of Organic Farm (After Agnihotra=AA)

Photo above left (BA):  Good energy

Photo above right (AA): Appearance of intense green, yellow and blue in the field after Agnihotra indicates positive changes and positive vibrations.

<= PIP of Resonance column before Agnihotra (BA)

PIP of Resonance column after Agnihotra (AA)

(energy field is vibrant, healing colors, high healing energy frequency) 

<=  PIP of Non- Homa ash

It is clear that Agnihotra has a profound effect in organic farming, maximum positive changes are seen. A large study can be undertaken to corroborate above findings.
*PIP of different objects were taken at the University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad Karnataka, India as part of M.Sc. (Agriculture) thesis in Plant Biochemistry under the guidance of Dr. Pramod Basarkar.



     HOMA HEALTH NEWSLETTER # 86                       page 5

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        13 year old girl, Victoria Grant explains that Extreme Corruption is the cause of Extreme Poverty!


NOVARTIS: India rejects patent plea for cancer drug Glivec

BBC News Business del 1 April 2013     
Many poorer people rely on India's generic drug industry. India's Supreme Court has rejected a plea by Novartis to patent an updated version of its cancer drug, Glivec.  The Swiss drugmaker had been denied a patent by Indian authorities

on the grounds that the new version was only slightly different from the old.
The decision means generic drugmakers can continue to sell copies of the drug at a lower price in India, one of the fastest growing pharmaceutical markets.
Novartis said the decision "discourages future innovation in India". "This ruling is a setback for patients that will hinder medical progress for diseases without effective treatment options," said Ranjit Shahani, vice-chairman and managing director of Novartis India.
Glivec, which is used to treat chronic myeloid leukaemia and other cancers, costs about $2,600 (£1,710) a month. The generic equivalent is currently available in India for just $175.
Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-21991179



""Every human being has the sacred duty to protect the welfare of our Mother Earth from whom all life stems". -

Native American Indians known as the Iroquois

It takes 30 minutes to watch this documentary. It is not about a conspiracy it is about an industry that is creating weather change globally. As long as we ignore this issue it can continue. The more people who are aware of this industry the more possibility there is to stop interference with our weather. The sun is not responsible for the ever cloudy skies we are experiencing. Nor are we.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHpYrJhPul4&feature=youtu.be                                   .  NOTE: The massive practice of Agnihotra can help to neutralize this atmospheric pollution.



     HOMA HEALTH NEWSLETTER # 86                       page 6

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At "the Pool of Alicia Cavallero”, once a month, therapists of different modalities come together to offer their services, tell stories, dance, etc. for 

the community. We participated in a therapeutic dance workshop with Mrs. Veronica Bastidas, her husband Martin and their son, Abimael (photo top right). We heard fantastic stories from the storytellers and danced in sacred circles. At the end of this beautiful day, Prof. Abel presented Homa Therapy and together we celebrated Agnihotra.  (see photos this page)



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The Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Ecuador, Mr. Freddy Ehlers  (photo left wearing a hat), organized the workshop:  "Introduction to Homa Therapy in Health, Ecology and Agriculture", for the staff of his Ministry. Although mostly young people took part, they had a wide range of health problems. Prof. Abel answered many questions and the workshop ended with the practice of Agnihotra. The Minister, Admiral Fernando Zurita and his wife Vicky also did Agnihotra.
(see photos this page)



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Agnihotra is practiced daily and people are invited for sunset fire to the home of Mrs. Vicky Zurita and her husband, Admiral Fernando Zurita in Quito.


      A TV crew came to publicize and film the Homa Farm in Carondelet, Esmeraldas. The cameras from Ecuador TV were especially interested in the Bioenergetic Fires used in Homa organic farming and its effects on the health of the farmers and workers. They also filmed the traditional dances and many personal Homa testimonies.
           This is a Holistic Homa Farm module for Agro-Eco-Health-Tourism in Ecuador



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There were dances performed by the group "Marimba”, who received training and choreography with Jipson Lastra from Carondelet. They produced their own instruments in the farm workshops, led by Jorge Jaen. This lovely day ended with the massive practice of Agnihotra in the Tryambakam Hut. The fires burned for a long time and we all surrendered to the liberating silence and peace.



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        More interviews and filming with the program "La TV" in the Homa center of Mrs. Vicky and her family in Quito, Ecuador.
Agnihotra friends such as Eng. Fernanda, Veronica, Athala, Amita and Mayra came to tell their experiences with the Homa fires. When the Agnihotra fires were lit, we almost automatically went into meditation, where silence is filled with gratitude towards the Creator. 
(See photos this page during the interviews and during Agnihotra, where the children also participated with their own pyramid.)



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After a basic explanation about Homa Therapy, we shared a few minutes of silence and deep relaxation in the presence of Agnihotra in the home of Mrs. Amita and her friends.


   We received these photos from the director of the Homa  Center of Guayaquil, Sonia Hunter, who is sharing Agnihotra in the "Father Damian Foundation" with people suffering from Hansen's disease (Leprosy). She is accompanied by a group of dedicated Agnihotris, who come once a week to this place. They are welcomed with much gratitude.



     HOMA HEALTH NEWSLETTER # 86                       page 12

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HOMA SCIENTIFIC SPIRITUAL MEETING conducted by Dr. Irma Garcia in Hugo Federico's farm in Güigüe, Carabobo State, Venezuela on June 7th, 8th & 9th, 2013.

Mrs. Noris Arabel wrote: "I want to thank everyone for such wonderful days, full of love, brotherhood and conscious living."

What is around us matters little compared to what lies within each of us ...
...by rising our level of consciousness, we can dramatically improve each and every one of the areas in our life.
What matters the most is, that each person attending the meeting, assimilates in order to practice this in his daily live...


We received the photo to the left and the information from Dr. A. Thimmaiah, who did a program on organic gardening in Iowa. He is Advisor in the Royal Govt. of Bhutan in the:
1) Bhutan Agriculture and Food Regulatory Authority (BAFRA)
2) Ministry of Agriculture and Forest (MoAF)

"Please find a photo where I share Agnihotra Homa at Iowa with my friends. With the Maharishi University of Management (MUM), Iowa, I developed an online course on Organic Gardening and one of the lessons is on Homa Therapy. The emphasis is on 'How Homa can provide solutions to the present problems in Agriculture'. Also I am mentioning the home-made Agnihotra ash medicines. Best regards."



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Mrs. Maria Rosa writes from San Clemente del Tuyu:

"I am sending you a photo of a HOMA meeting we had in a friend's house. These meetings are held in different homes or in the municipal nursery or on the beach. So far we could not find an institution that will open its doors. Thanks for joining us! Hugs from the heart."


We received these lines from Joaquin and Diana in Villavicencio:

"We are sending some photos of Homa meetings we are doing in Villavicencio. We are two little flames who struggle not to be extinguished and to fill these plains with light. Hugs and a thousand blessings."



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Mrs. Sudha Mulay is teaching Agnihotra to the children in Gothay Village near Kantragada, dist. Skikakulam, Andra Pradesh. Mr. Rama Rao arranged a meeting of Prof. Mullay with students and teachers of a school on Agnihotra.

Prof. Mulay and his wife are performing Rudra Yagnya in Dhule, Maharashtra in the presence of Mr. Dinesh, Mrs. Priyanka, Mrs. and Mr. Bhimrao Patil.

Mrs. Sudha Mulay is explaining Agnihotra to the children and elders in the village Kantragada, dist. Skikakulam, Andra Pradesh.

Prof. Mulay and his wife are performing Rudra Yagnya at Chopada accompanied by Mrs. Shantabai, Mrs. Kalpana and Mrs. Prerana Patil.

Prof. Mulay and his wife Sudha are performing Rudra Yagnya at Chopada in the home of Mr. Sudhir Nikam and wife.



     HOMA HEALTH NEWSLETTER # 86                       page 15

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How to achieve this superlative state of being?     (continuation of Homa Health Newsletter #85)

The 14th Chapter of the Bhagavad Gita details the traits of the three Gunas and how they bind the human being. “Guna” means “rope” in Sanskrit. Everyone has all three Gunas. They are like three cords of one single rope. But… one of them predominates…When you understand them and their role in your life you can change the Guna-mix within.
You come up with peak performance when Sattva predominates. When rajas prevails greed, disquiet and hankering weigh you down. When Tamas reigns supreme

you are overcome with delusion, heedlessness and inertia. However talented you may be, a high degree of Rajas or Tamas will result in failure. Hence it is imperative to increase your Sattva, refine the Rajas and maintain the Tamas within you, under your control. Some speack about “removing” the Tamas in you. That will be counter-productive. Movement needs inertia to maintain itself..

When these three do not relate in a balanced manner, personal and social conflicts arise.
The last portion of chapter 14th of the Bhagavad Gita gives the traits of a person who has transcended the Gunas. It tells us how to become Brahmn, that is, how to achieve self-realization.

THE MOST EFFICIENT AND FASTEST WAY to achieve Self-Realization.

We can reach self-realization by the daily practice of the FIVEFOLD PATH OF THE VEDAS.
Shree Vasant left for us the ready packet to achieve self-realization here and now. HE used to say: “It is like TV dinner, instant coffee… What took yogis many re-incarnations of efforts, we can attain now for the price of a candy… Only a little effort is required…”
You are what you eat, what you think, what you feel and something more…
Food, thoughts, emotions, everything can be classified according to the Gunas…
“All avatars, prophets, saints come to teach the patterns of behavior that train the mind to react with Love to each and every circumstance in life… Renewal of mind accelerates the evolutionary process at human stage where intelligence counts more than instinct. ” (Total Surrender, page 1).

So… What are these patterns of behaviour?      
                                                          Find the answer in the next Homa Health Newsletter #87

Dr. Irma Garcia, born in Venezuela, was the private secretary of Master Shree Vasant Paranjpe and accompanied Him in many of His travels around the world, serving as translater and assistant since 1986 till He left His body.



     HOMA HEALTH NEWSLETTER # 86                       page 16

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           Agnihotra is the way. People will begin to see now. They can easily feel the tremendous peace that comes by Grace by its mere performance alone.

         The shape of the Agnihotra pyramid should not be interfered with. Now we have to be more subtle with YAJNYA. Time is crucial. Times are desperate. In order to get the optimum effect from Agnihotra, the shape of the pyramid should be intact.

           To rise much higher with single effort do all actions out of love. Discipline your children out of love. The child will feel that and it will adhere to the discipline much quicker because it senses love is behind that. You can be firm but still be gentle.

             Respect each other no matter how harsh a criticism seems. LOOK TO THE SOUL NOT TO THE PERSONALITY. All are being lifted now. No one is at fault. There is no reason for blame.

              For all of you, learn to look for what is your part in a disagreement. Don’t be so swift to blame. Take responsibility for your part as soon as you become aware of it. If you become aware and say nothing, then it is like withholding evidence in a trial. Better to incriminate yourself. You cannot get away with the crime. Ultimately all criminals get caught, at least in the web of Karma.



     HOMA HEALTH NEWSLETTER # 86                       page 17

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as received by Parvati Bizberg, Poland)

On Following Your Soul’s Direction
Hmmm…yes, yes. We have observed human beings in a greater state of flux as of late. Perhaps one could count environmental disturbances as the trigger and interactive participation in the chaos of events as the thrust that pulls the trigger! Indeed, we see so much suffering in the eyes of Earth’s inhabitants lately.

We must remind you that the more you give into the chaos and strife in the world, the more you fall victim to the very conditions you are striving to change. You must retain your focus, dear ones. Stop giving away your personal power. Again, it is time to remove yourself from negative energy which surrounds you. Create a safe haven for your spirit.

When in a harmful relationship, examine what it is that causes you to remain in it with no change. There is great support for change in this period, despite the chaotic state the world seems to be spinning through at this time. It is time to reduce the stress that you have control over and release, forgive and move forward.

Weathering storms is a specialty of those of you with the mission to spread Light. Have full, total faith now.

It is also an excellent period for shifting locations and finding your true home on Earth. However, simply surfing the housing market without settling for a home will leave you at a loss. It is definitely a time for settling into your newfound homes and creating right livelihood, positive relationships that support your focus in life, and developing and nurturing your support network for life.
Many of you will be making sweeping changes, even moving from your country of origin. When you go within, you can truly hear your calling. When you hear it, listen and follow it. Do not let the calling of your soul be drowned out by the calling of those around you who may be answering their own inner promptings. Listen to the voice within. Follow your souls’ direction, but do not be fooled or fueled by your desires. Do not confuse what is true calling with yearning to be called!

On Music, Water for the Soul
Yes, yes. MUSIC is essential. It has a life and time of its own. MUSIC is of vital importance here. More music, more sound healing. Music clears the air and brings everyone back to center. It is an equalizer and balancer of energies.
Music is like water for the soul.

Más info:

Thanks for sharing the "Good News" with this Homa Health Newsletter!

Further oficial web sites on Homa Therapy:

www.terapiahoma.com    www.homa1.com   www.homatherapy.info
www.agnihotra.org     www.homatherapie.de      www.homatherapy.de
tapovan.co.in    www.homatherapyindia.com     www.homatherapy.org   www.homatherapypoland.org    www.homapsychotherapy.com www.agnihotra.com.au    www.terapiahoma.org

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